Sustainable Luxury Hospitality, a reality beyond the antagonistic terms? Innovations and trends in Maldivian luxury resorts

Write a literature review with the beloe research aim and methods:

This paper aims to investigate how the
relationship of luxury hospitality and sustainability is addressed by resort
operators in the Maldives. It reviews innovative practices put in place by
hotels to develop and maintain sustainable goals, and examines how they
contribute to the national plan, to market perception changes, and are part of
a virtuous cycle of sustainable luxury resorts.


The study
adopts a qualitative approach, with ethnographic angle, combining
interviews, and informal interviews on the site. Respondents are hoteliers or
hospitality related individuals with working experience in luxury hotels and
tourism in the Maldives within the last two years. Purposive sampling was
chosen, and a pilot study was conducted prior to the interviews to ensure the validity
of the interview guides. The interviews were all conducted online and recorded
with the consent of the participants between June and September 2023. The data
was then analyzed through a thematic analysis.
The following structure can be adopted:
1. Conceptual framework

2.Resort Luxury hospitality

 3. Sustainability vs Luxury?

 4. Case of Island nations

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