In this assessment, you will take on the role of a junior marketing executive for an existing company or brand within one of the following categories: • Consumer Electronics • Health and Wellness Products • Beauty and Personal Care
Important Note: The origin of the brand or company you choose is irrelevant. However, your project must strictly adhere to the UK context. It should exclusively target the UK market, tailored to the preferences of UK consumers. This will involve conducting a detailed market analysis and identifying the specific needs of UK consumers.
Choose a company that intends to develop a marketing plan for the launch of a new product, service, or both (based on your industry selection). To aid in
crafting this marketing plan, you are tasked with submitting a report of approximately 3,000 (± 10%) word report. Your report should cover the following
1. E-cover sheet (excluded from the 3,000 word count)
2. An executive summary (excluded from the 3,000 word count)
3. Introduction:
a. Provide a background of the company and its product/service category
b. Offer a concise overview of your new product/service concept, aligned with prevailing market trends.”
4. Conduct a Marketing Environmental Analysis:
a. Select pertinent external and internal environmental factors based on the industry or specific product/service you’ve chosen.
5. Present a SWOT analysis, outlining key points under each category (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), based on findings from the
marketing environmental analysis. (Note: The presentation format is flexible; you may use either a table or narrative form.)
6. Conduct a competitor analysis, identifying at least three of the closest competitors and highlight how your product or service differs from theirs,
aiming to pinpoint comparative advantages. (Note: The presentation format is flexible; you may use either a table or narrative form.)
7. Recommendations based on your chosen industry as follows: (Note: STP and 4Ps or 7Ps should be clearly mentioned in separated sections)
a. Segmentation and Target market(s)
b. Positioning that will achieve competitive advantage identified from the marketing environmental and competitor analysis
c. The 4 or 7 Ps.
8. References (excluded from the 3,000 word count)
a. Reference your secondary sources as well as literature/academic sources
– You are required to make use of a minimum of 5 academic and 5 non-academic references as a guide
b. Zero tolerance for Plagiarism: DO NOT plagiarise from any sources at all. Plagiarism is a serious academic misconduct, which will result into
your report being penalized, and/or failed as well as reported to the CBASS Education Operations Manager
c. You should follow the Harvard referencing system
9. Appendices, if any (excluded from the 3,000 word count).
E-cover sheet (CBASS-Coursework-Coversheet.docx ( An E-cover sheet MUST be included at the front of your report, with all details
accurately filled in (e.g. student number).
– Font type: Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri
– Font size: 12
Line spacing: 1.5
– Test alignment: justified
– Page numbering: bottom right of each page
File format: Submit your assignment as a Word document (.doc, or .docx) or PDF (.pdf). Submissions in formats other than these may not open,
leading to your assignment not being marked. Particularly, submissions in image formats will be considered a misconduct case, as they prevent
similarity checks.