Texas Legislature’s website and read news media articles about a bill proposed during the 2023 Regular Legislative Session.

Writing Assignment

Your assignment is to use the Texas Legislature’s website and read news media articles about a bill proposed during the 2023 Regular Legislative Session. Be sure it is the Regular Session and not one of the four Special Sessions. (They re-use the bill numbers.) Select one of the following bills to examine (SB = Senate Bill; HB = House Bill):


You must send me an email by the Topic Due date indicating which bill you have selected and why.

You will write four double-spaced pages (1000 words minimum) outlining your understanding of the purpose of the bill (in your own words), how far it progressed in the Legislature and a brief conclusion outlining your opinion on the proposed law. Any fact-based or evidence claims should be supported with citations.

Grammar and spelling will count as 10% of your grade. Please consult the Writing Lab tutors for assistance if you face challenges in these areas.


The Texas Legislature’s website – www.capitol.state.tx.us – will serve as a good starting point.

1st – Use the “bill search” function to find your bills in the 88(R) – 2023 Regular Session of the Legislature. Click on the “text” tab to read the analysis of the bill. Read the witness list to see what kinds of people from what kinds of organizations registered or testified in favor of or as opposed to the bill. Are you surprised by who supported or who opposed the bill?

2nd – Click on the “actions” tab to see a summary of the lawmaking process for the bills. Connect what you see here to the process we discussed in class. Click on the “bill stages” tab and do the same.

3rd – Search for news media articles about the bills to learn more about the legislative process. Outline arguments for and against the bill that were made during the legislative process. Did the bill receive bi-partisan support? Did it become a law? Why or why not?

The Texas Tribune is a good source: texastribune.org, as is our local public radio station: kut.org

4th – Consider your opinion about the proposed law based on what you knew prior to the assignment and what you have learned during the process. Has your opinion changed or stayed the same?

5th – What has happened on the topic since the 2023 Session ended?

For this essay I chose SB14 bill.

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