Argue for not having orchestra practice on the sabbath based on Bible verses, Ellen G. White writings and professional orchestra conductors and maybe choir conductors that did not condome Sabbath
practices. Explain the following Bible verses in context, 2 Chronicles 23:8, 1 Chronicles 25:6-8, Mathew
12:5, Joshua 9:3, Leviticus 23:24-26.
Generally make an argument that based on research, Biblical evidence and personal convictions of
well known orchestra conductors and choir leaders that regular orchestra practice on the Sabbath is not a good idea. Also based on personal convictions of orchestra and choir personell regular practice
the Sabbath is not good.
I copied the assignment topic since it allows only 255 charactrers.
The Biblical perspective that orchestra practice on the Sabbath of the 4th commandment, 7th day of the week, is considered work and not a good Sabbath activity and that such activity for kids is stressful and burdensome. Also cite several well known conductors that do not hold orchestra practice on the Sabbath. May use Ellen G. White as sources