This Essay is for my english composition class. This is some details that I have to follow . Pretend you have been hired in the healthcare career of your choice. Your employer has asked you to write an article for your company’s Facebook page. This will require you to choose a healthcare-related topic, perform research, and write an article in the form of a five-paragraph essay. We will work on this article in small steps over the next five weeks.
The first step that will be completed in this week’s assignment is: Creating an Outline.
Throughout the rest of this course, you will be creating an article to inform your readers of a healthcare issue that they may face and provide resources related to this issue. Your topic should be one that you think would be both interesting and beneficial for your audience to read. Have fun picking a topic that you might encounter in your future career! I am going to attach the the artical template that I have to follow. Type here:
Title of Your Paper Goes Here- The Critical Role Of Mental Health Awareness in Building Healthier, Happier Workplaces.
Your Name Goes Here- Tykira Campbell
Name of Class Goes Here- English Composition
Name of School Goes Here- Ultimate Medical academy
If you need to make a new topic you are more then welcomed