The Effect of Influencer Marketing on Consumer Engagement in Emerging Fashion Brands: A Case Study of Shein

The assignment is a research report. Research Aim:

This study will examine the impact of influencer marketing on increasing customer engagement and purchase intention for Shein.

Research Questions

1. Investigating the impact of credibility and content quality in driving consumer engagement and purchase intention for Shein?

2. To what extent do micro-influencers and macro-influencers differ in their effectiveness in driving customer engagement and purchase intention for Shein?

I’ve written a research proposal which I got feedback from already which I will upload and you can have a look at. In my proposal, one of the feedback comments was to change my conceptual framework which I will upload as well. For the final report I’m writing now, I’ve already written an introduction and I’d like you to write just my literature review of 2000 WORDS. In my proposal, I wrote a literature review of 750 words so it should be directly linked to that and all the research papers and sources I’ve used should be used in this final report and more that you find. This is also a feedback comment I got, “There should be a discussion around micro vs macro influencers in your review of literature section. That will build a strong ground for your research question 2. Otherwise, RQ2 is just a misfit here currently.” Please add this to the literature review also.

I will also upload the brief with instructions as well as my questionnaire questions so everything is clear and links together.


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