• The effect of using network segmentation to secure data and reduce the vulnerability of cyber-attack

When writing your report, it’s essential to follow the academic paper format and include the recommended sections. Remember, this report should be your own work, free from any plagiarism. If you use any resources, make sure to cite them appropriately in your reference list to maintain academic integrity.

  • Abstract. Maximum of 1/2 page (150-300 words). An abstract is not an introduction to your topic, it is a short summary of your research/paper. At minimum, include the following to introduce your research: summary paragraph that includes 1-2 sentences on the problem, 1-2 sentences on what you plan to investigate, 1-2 sentences on the methodology you will follow, 1-2 sentences on your findings, and 1 sentence for a conclusion.
  • Introduction. Minimum of 1 page and maximum of 2 pages. In this section, you will provide an introduction to both your topic and to your research paper. The introduction should not simply introduce the topic. At minimum, include: 
    • An introduction to the topic you will explore, you might state which domain in IT this is relevant to and describe any terms necessary to understand your problem statement and research question. 
    • Problem statement: A description of the problem space that you are exploring. Use in-text citations to document that this is a known problem in the literature.
    • Research question: The introduction section must conclude with your research question(s).
    • Methods used: This is where you will briefly describe what method was used (an SLR).
    • Summary of findings: Write a short sentence or two about your findings. 
    • Contribution Statement: Why it is important to complete this literature review, and what others have explored so far?
  • Methodology. Maximum of 2 pages. At minimum, include: What research methodology you followed (SLR) and how you applied it to answer the research question? Cite a source for the style of SLR you used – this may be the article that was shared. Provide all of the details needed to completely replicate your study. For a systematic review, this includes the search process, study inclusion, and data extraction processes. For the purposes of this short lab, do not perform a quality assessment.  
  • Results. Maximum of 2 pages. What were the results of carrying out the methodology described above? Be sure to include a table reporting the data that were extracted from each of the papers read during your review. 
  • Discussion. Maximum of 2 pages. How do (or don’t!) your results provide an answer to the research question? Be sure to put the results in the context of the literature, providing at least 5 citations, and discuss threats to validity.  
  • Conclusion. Wrap up your submission with a paragraph or two that summarizes what you did and what you found. The conclusion should also provide a clear answer to your research question. 
  • References. No page limit: Cite all sources that you used in the paper following the ACM format. Be sure that EVERY reference is cited in the paper using in-text citations. They may be APA in-text citations or numeric. Using LaTeX \cite{article} will ensure that no citations are missed in the bibliography. 

Please use the Association for Computing Machinery templateLinks to an external site. to construct your report. You can modify the template or use a different one: 

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