This is the thesis I came up with,but feel free to use your own if youd like “While the Gilded Age marked an era of unprecedented economic growth and industrial innovation, it also entrenched stark economic inequalities, as unregulated capitalism allowed industrialists to amass vast fortunes at the expense of exploited laborers and marginalized communities.”In this assignment, you will analyze both primary and secondary sources to present a historical argument. You must present your own interpretation of what you see in the documents. Narrative style book reports are unacceptable. Present your thesis at the beginning of your paper, clearly stating point by point what you will be arguing. The paragraphs that follow should support your argument with a strong introductory sentence. At the end of your paper, you will return to your thesis, and bring your argument to a successful conclusion.
Your first paper will be 5-7 pages in length (1,700-2,200 words), typed and double spaced in a 12-point font with footnotes and bibliography made according to the Chicago Manual of Style, and presented with standard one-inch margins. For your sources, you are to rely mainly on the books and articles that are part of the course material. You are to use a total of five sources for this paper, with any additional sources to be accessed only through the library or the JSTOR search engine available through the library. With the exception of articles I have linked to Canvas, you may not use any other internet sources. In addition, title pages and the bibliography also do not count towards the minimum page length requirement for the essay.
When analyzing your choice of subject, think about what makes it unique. What is your argument? How did your topic impact the United States?
References : (3 links and 3 files),foreign%20nations%22%20was%20declared%20illegal.