The impact of emerging technology on myself, my belief system , my society , and culture

Instructions/Grading Rubric – Complete and submit a paper on the topic “The impact of emerging technology on myself, my belief system, my society, and my culture” no later than the assigned date.

Late work will be accepted for a maximum of three days after the due date, but will have ten points deducted from the maximum points available for each day after the due date that it is turned in. 10 points will be deducted each day up to 30 points, following which a zero will be given.
The basic paper consists of approximately 1400 words plus cover and reference pages (these are excluded from word count) – an abstract is optional and does not count towards your work requirement.
All work will be submitted electronically in legible English (in Microsoft Word format), illegible work will be rejected as there are resources to assist you with writing in the library.
Papers will only be accepted electronically in an unlocked Microsoft word format, if you attempt to submit non-electronically it will count as not being submitted until it is submitted electronically.
Papers will be submitted through the Collin Canvas website (submission folder – in week 15), do not email to my private email or my office email address.
Each paper is required to be accompanied by a plagiarism originality report and a grammar review document (such as through Grammarly). Currently, this is done as part of the paper turn in process (you will receive a report that shows you how to improve and the similarity report – greater than 25% will be considered problematic).

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