I am attaching files with the information on what videos to watch, there are 2 non Smarthistory/khan academy videos do not cite or use those videos in the essay response
The book is called art history vol. 1
I will attach the information needed to assess the book online after your hired
I need 4 sources so make 2 of the sources videos and 1 source will be the book (you’ll find most of what you need in chapter 6) and the last source will be the image you need to find
Summary: Stability versus Innovation; Democracy versus Theocracy.
The Roman Empire lasted roughly a thousand years, and so did the Ancient Greek culture before them.
Greek and Roman art and architecture developed and changed a lot over about 2000 years.
Both cultures were idealistic and valued human intelligence, always seeking to define perfect proportions in architecture and art.
However the Egyptians valued consistency, stability, and an authoritarian god-like leader in religion and society, which is shown by very little change over 3000 years.
While the Classical Greeks strove for idealistic perfection, the Romans shifted the emphasis away from the Greek images of generalized, god-like perfection. Romans moved toward an ideal of distinguished individualism, of human heroes. This is why portraiture is one of the strengths of Roman art.
Western Civilizations, such as our United States, generally developed from the idealistic humanist culture of the Greco-Roman world.
“Western” values are defined by a philosophy of HUMANISM.
Humanism stresses the values of individual human beings, intelligence and dignity.
Humanism proposes that people can resolve problems through the use of science and reason,
Alternatives to Humanism:
Egypt and the Ancient Aegean: theism and theocracy
Societies which value and depend on religion and deities for guidance, laws;
Authority for both politics and religion based on divine intervention
upcoming: Medieval cultures: theism and theocracy
(This first part is just some information that was included in the assignment I don’t think you will really need it)
(the 2 non smarthistory/ khan academy books came with the writing above l)
Primary post:
DISCUSS: the impact of Greek and Roman cultures on our Western culture, specifically the USA, today.
– RESEARCH & EMBED: One image
Find an image of art or architecture from our modern world that clearly shows influence from Greek or Roman culture.
image MUST be embedded, not just attached, so that we can easily see it in the discussion
Include the photocredit (source of the image)
Include a sentence or two describing WHY the image you’ve chosen is clearly influenced by Greek or Roman culture.
ie: Does it visually resemble one of the works of art or architecture that we have studied this week? Be specific.
– GUIDING QUESTIONS: … PROMPTS for your critical thinking. You don’t have to answer all of these
How are “we U.S, Americans” similar or different from the Greco-Roman world in our ideas, values, arts?
Are we moving towards the ideals of Greco-Roman Humanism, or towards the ideals of Egyptian Pharoah Theocracy?
How does the symbolism of your chosen image demonstrate these ideas or values?
As quickly as our modern world is changing, do we still hold those same values of humanism?
Or are our overall societal values changing, away from humanism to something else?
Should we seek something different, or continue to hold Humanism as our guide?
– SUPPORT your comments and ideas with specific evidence from our studies:
ie: Quote or paraphrase Stokstad or any SmartHistory/Khan Academy sources. GIVE CITATIONS inline!
– Don’t make assumptions. Don’t invent information.
– Does our modern, Western, American society live up to our humanistic ideals?
(values of individual human beings, intelligence, dignity; the use of science and reason)
– Or, are we moving toward theocratric ideals?
(based on a divine authority which knows more than individual humans and guides them)
– Why or why not? Give specific examples. Include specific information and your resources.
– What do you think needs to happen to improve our society?
Be specific with at least one specific idea proposal which you feel would make a difference today.