Research Question:
How does the early implementation of standardized testing in
early childhood education affect the mental health and overall well-being of
young learners in an IB school setting?
Why did I choose this topic?
My experience teaching in an IB school, where
standardized testing begins at age five, has highlighted the negative impact of
these assessments on young students. The contrast between the IB’s holistic
approach and the rigid focus of standardized tests is stark. Early exposure to
high-stakes testing can create undue stress, narrow the curriculum, and hinder
overall student development. This study aims to examine these issues and
advocate for more student-cantered educational practices.
Learning outcomes:
LO1. Critically analyse key theoretical
frameworks and concepts in relation to an identified current issues in education.
LO2. Scrutinise the research and evidence base
associated with an identified area of education provision
LO3. Synthesis theory and research to inform their
practice in relation to an identified current issue
in education
LO4. Critically evaluate the local, national or
international policy associated with an issue.
See the sample assignment attached.