Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane (1941) is considered the pinnacle of film making since the Golden Age of Hollywood film production and well beyond into the new millennia. Such credentials are built on Orson Welles and Gregory Tolland’s stylistics of cinematography, narrative, and editing. Considering the influence of Citizen Kane, craft a final research paper showcasing what you have learned about the monumental film and how it has influenced any of the films covered in the Survey of Film, The Movies course thus far. What is Citizen Kane’s impact and influence upon these films in terms of cinematography, editing, lighting, narrative, sound and overall innovation?
This comparative study must be conducted using the films outlined within the course: Ridley Scotts Alien (1979), Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954), Francis Ford Coppola’s The Cotton Club (1982); Bill Duke’s Hoodlum (1997), and Barry Jenkins Moonlight (2016).