Using credible Internet and/or journal sources, please answer one of the following questions below. Your paper must contain at least five peer-reviewed journal articles (primary sources) that are current within the past 10 years. In addition you can choose whatever other references are appropriate for your article. Please cite your references in accordance with the APA format. Your essay-style answer should 1,500 words (+/- 200). It must be typewritten using a size 12 Arial Font and double spaced. It must also be submitted to “Turnitin” within Blackboard.
Morphine and fentanyl (opioid-based pain relief) is being introduced into the primary care paramedic scope of practice in addition to the current medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, ketorolac). Using evidence from primary research articles discuss how the addition of these medications will change practice for paramedics. Discuss in terms of efficacy of pain relief, potential for adverse effects, and other impacts to patient care.
Learning objectives:
- Be able to compare and contrast primary and secondary research sources
- Critically read research
- In an essay format, develop a cogent argument, based on medical evidence, in support of or to refute current trends in prehospital care
Recommended search engines:
Criteria for highest marks
Ideas, concepts, themes shows thorough understanding of the topic
Medical literacy shows a high degree of appropriate and effective use of the
medical language
Analysis develops ideas with a high degree of logic and coherence
Use of evidence incorporates highly effective, well-chosen, relevant evidence
Use of essay form extensive command of essay form (thesis or controlling idea,
organization, conclusion)
Citations, references uses mostly primary references, of which more than 4 are
current to within 5 years and are relevant.
Note: DO NOT QUOTE information in your research essay. Read, reflect, interpret and re-write.