The model development assignment is a Powerpoint presentation that should contain the problem solving model you proposed in your research paper ( research paper attached) In some cases, your model will look like a schematic. In other cases, the model you present will look like a flow chart or PERT/CPM Chart.
As an Operations Manager in training (for this assignment), it’s important that you present the ethical and legal ramifications associated with this model.
The end result should look like a physical model design/diagram or chart and a very clearly written explanation or narrative describing
- the model and it’s components
- the drivers of the model
- the location (within the business process), where the suggested model should be implemented
- the variance between the current condition within the industry/organization, and the projected condition
- the actual diagram/chart/schematic that you created from scratch in the presentation
This 5 part assignment (including the diagram/chart) is worth 100pts – 20 pts per section. So please be as specific as possible in your detail and design. Please review 2017 Computer Science Final Year Projects (copy and paste this link in a new browser window to see how the Information Systems Students developed solutions for the non-profit organizations they attempted to assist.
Your final presentation can be converted to a pdf and uploaded for grading. The link below will demonstrate steps you can follow to do this CONVERT PRESENTATION WITH NOTES TO PDF .
Please show effort, must be done correctly according to instuctions. all infomation and references is coming from my research paper that i have attached. no outside sources are needed as i have provdided them in the paper attached.
must include a reference slide, and all slides must include speaker notes, please do not copy and paste.