The Modern World Order: WWII and the United Nations
• Ronald Neibuhr, “The Illusion of World Government”
Reading Response You will write a 500 to 600 word response
Each response paper should address the following questions:
1) What is the central argument being made by the author?
(Note that to devote sufficient space to the other questions, you may have to
distill a complex argument into a succinct form) 2) What did you find most
persuasive about this reading? Did it confirm something you already thought, or
change your thinking?
3) What did you find unpersuasive, incomplete, or in need of
further support? What question would you like to ask the author about this part
of their argument?
Each of these three questions will be graded out of 4
possible marks, as follows:
0 – the question was not addressed
1, 2 – the question was addressed, but not fully answered
3 – the question was adequately answered
4 – the question was answered in a way that shows thoughtful
engagement with the reading
A further 3 marks are available for well-edited responses,
i.e. responses that show evidence of proofreading (for spelling, grammar, and
clarity). Each response is thus graded out of a total of 15 marks. There is no
need to include any references or citations in these responses.