“examine the image of criminality (broadly defined) as it pertains to Latina/o characters in your
two chosen films. Furthermore, discuss the motivations for their various actions, criminal or
otherwise, and describe the methods or means used by them to pursue his/her goals. You should
also consider what larger issues and themes (social, political, economic, notions of redemption,
etc.) are being addressed as you answer the above questions. Justify your conclusions with
specific examples from your chosen films and with a creative central argument (thesis) that
emphasizes analysis and interpretation (of scenes, for example) rather than mere summary. Use
of the course readings and lecture material to enhance your discussion, and provide some
historical context, would be beneficial.
Your paper must be four to six pages, double-spaced, with a separate title page. If quotes are
utilized, a proper citation in a footnote should be listed according to the Chicago Manual of
Style. An example is provided (see below).1 Furthermore, consecutive quotes from the same
source must utilize the term Ibid.2
1 Mary C. Beltrรกn, Latina/o Stars in U.S. Eyes: The Making and Meanings of Film and TV Stardom (Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 2009), 44.
2 Ibid.”
Two Chosen Movies: West Side Story and Scarface.
Course Readings: Harvest Of Empire by Juan Gonzalez, Latino Images In Film By Charles Ramirez Berg, Latina/o Stars in U.S. Eyes by Mary C. Beltran.