The paper should discuss the struggle ex-prisoners have with finding employment that will allow them to take care of their families.
The goal of a White Paper is to inform and persuade based on facts and evidence. A white paper addresses a specific issue or problem facing an organization or organizations or society as a whole.
White Papers are serious in tone.
- Length: No fewer than three pages, including illustrations, charts, and references (if applicable). White Papers are usually 3,000 to 5,000 words.
- A White Paper is based on established facts and logical arguments.
- A White Paper includes documented sources or references.
- Recommended Structure: There is usually a title page, short executive summary, introduction, several pages educating the reader about the problem, several pages hypothesizing a solution, several pages offering an example of an organization or application that used that solution to achieve results, and a conclusion.
- Additional Information: A short bulleted list of key points and/or actions you wish the targetted audience to take.