The article is attched below in PDF form. It is to be used as the source to write about.
Extra Credit assignment: Due in Extra Credit Essay journal by Sunday, DECEMBER 15THFor 10 points extra credit on total exam point pool. Write a two-page or longer summary of the article below. Use the summary guideline also included below. Papers should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman font at 12-point font size. DO NOT SEPARATE INTO SECTION- this should be written like an essay.*MUST INCLUDE THE APA FORMATTED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR FULL POINTS
Complete the following information for each journal article you read. Complete the information for each
section of the article before reading the next section; it will help you understand the sections that follow.
Start by typing the complete reference – in APA style – for this study.
In 3-4 sentences or using bullets, summarize the general findings from each previous study discussed in the
introduction. When appropriate, identify the participants, the measures and what was done (describe
generally) in each of these previous studies. If later studies in the introduction have similar procedures and
findings just say that.
Summarize, in your own words, the hypotheses being tested in the research study you are reading. What
were the authors attempting to show? What are the IVs (if a causal study) and DVs of this study?
Who were the participants – describe appropriate characteristics. For example, it may not be important to the
study to know where participants are from – skip this information if this is the case.
What was/were the dependent variable(s)? define each DV?
What tests, scales or instruments were used to operationally
Describe, in your own words, what was done to collect data. You should be able to do this in a just a few
sentences. Describe any attempts made to control confounds or extraneous variables.
Don’t use numbers here but summarize in words what the authors found. What were the major results? Did
they find support for their hypotheses? How do the results relate to the other studies cited in the
introduction? How did the researchers interpret the results; what are their overall conclusions? Did they
offer any big “whoops” statements – something that went wrong that makes them (or you) hesitate with their
conclusions? Do they offer suggestions for future research? Do you have any other interpretations or
suggestions for future research?
In 2-3 sentences, in your own words, what did this study tell you? What were the important conclusions that
you might use later? Add anything else that you think is important to know about this research.