Length: 1400 words (4-6 pages double spaced, size Calibri 11 font, notincluding cover page or headings).
Claim/Thesis: All papers must have a claim or thesis that you proving with your evidence.
Sourcing: You must include at least five trustworthy sources, two of which are primary sources. You must cite the sources parenthetically in the text, as well as in a properly formatted bibliography following the text. (MLA Style)
5 points will also be deducted for every day over the deadline a paper is turned in. (IMPORTANT NOTE: being absent on the day the paper is due IS NOT an excuse. You must submit it online or send the paper in with someone else or late points will be deducted) In the event that these point deductions result in an automatic failure, you will be required to do TWO papers; the original assignment and a second one to make up for the failure. You MUST submit your paper on both turnitin.com and Google Classroom. I will email you the Turnitin access information for your class, and it will be posted on Google Classroom as well, as we get closer to the due date.