The purpose of my speech is to inform my audience about the psychological techniques used by casinos, like variable rewards, near misses, and sensory manipulation, to trigger extended gambling.

The purpose of my speech is to inform my audience about the psychological techniques used by casinos, like variable rewards, near misses, and sensory manipulation, to trigger extended gambling.

I need to use this outline:


I. Attention Getter – Your opening statement in which you attempt to gain the attention and interest of the audience. Refer to the “Gaining Attention & Interest” lecture notes for details.

II. Purpose Statement – This is your specific purpose. It should read something along the lines of “The purpose of my speech is to inform my audience about/how to ______________ (VERY SPECIFIC, NOT GENERAL, THING).

III. Credibility and Tie to the Audience – Your credibility is what makes YOU qualified to talk about this topic. After all, YOU chose the topic. The tie to the audience shows the audience a brief description of how this topic may relate to them or why they may find interest in it.

IV. Preview of Main Points – This section is where you clearly state the three main points that you are going to talk about that are DIRECTLY RELATED to your purpose statement. See the “Choosing an Informative Speech Topic” lecture notes for details.


I. Main Point One – A full sentence statement that tells the audience what main point one is.

A. Subpoint – More detailed discussion about main point one.

1. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint A.

2. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint A.

B. Subpoint – More detailed discussion about main point one.

1. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint B.

2. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint B.

Transition: Your transition should be a sentence that helps your audience understand the flow of your speech or presentation. It should move you from one main point to the next without an abrupt change. See more about transitions in the article “Transitions in a Speech or Presentation”.

II. Main Point Two – A full sentence statement that tells the audience what main point two is.

A. Subpoint – More detailed discussion about main point two.

1. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint A.

2. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint A.

B. Subpoint – More detailed discussion about main point two.

1. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint B.

2. Sub-subpoint (if needed)- More detailed discussion about subpoint B.

Transition: Your transition should be a sentence that helps your audience understand the flow of your speech or presentation. It should move you from one main point to the next without an abrupt change. See more about transitions in the article “Transitions in a Speech or Presentation”.

III. Main Point Three – A full sentence statement that tells the audience what main point three is.

A. Subpoint – More detailed discussion about main point three.

1. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint A.

2. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint A.

B. Subpoint – More detailed discussion about main point three.

1. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint B.

2. Sub-subpoint (if needed) – More detailed discussion about subpoint B.


I. Signal the End – A ‘signal the end’ is a one sentence phrase that is designed to show your audience that you are going to start your presentation conclusion. It should be said right before you get recap your main points and start your strong ending statement, and should act as a clear sign to your audience. (Source)

II. Restate Main Points – Recap your main points here in full sentence format.

II. Strong Ending Statement – This is your ending statement in which you bring everything together. This should not be a “the end” or “that’s it” statement. Bring in some new information or interesting stats to the end. Wrap it all up with a creative statement. This is the equal to the attention getter in the introduction.


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Citation (in MLA or APA style)

Citation (in MLA or APA style)

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