Search, select, read, and write about the current (no older than 5 years) primary peer-reviewed reports of empirical studies published in scholarly academic journals on the topic approved by the instructor of the course. The assignment assesses ability to use database searches (technology) to obtain sources that will ultimately be used to prepare this assignment and the Introduction of the Written Research Report in Unit 7, 10, and 14). After reading and critically evaluating the articles an annotation will be prepared for each one.
Select five articles that meet the criteria listed above and use the following steps to prepare an annotation for each one.
- Read each article. Expect to read each article numerous times focusing on the purpose of the study (hypothesis), how it was tested (the method), the results (do they support or refute the hypothesis?) and what do the results mean (discussion)? This is the information that you will use to write the annotation for each article. An annotation is a summary of this information.
- According to APA style and guidelines, prepare a title page for a student paper (page 1; see sample at to an external site..
- Begin the annotated bibliography on page 2. Present the reference for the first article followed by the annotation, reference for the second article followed by the second annotation, and so on.
- Prepare the annotated bibliography in a word document. Remember to paraphrase and cite. NO direct quotations, contractions, or personal pronouns. Each annotation should be a minimum of 350 words.