The relationship between the good life for the human being (understood by Plato and Aristotle in terms of wisdom and virtue) and the political and social life of human beings

Focus on one of the following 2 topics:Option A: Your view of the ideal political constitution. If you were designing the constitution for a state, how would you distribute power, responsibility, and freedom? How does this relate to your view of human nature? Make an argument in defense of your view. Option B: Your view of the individual’s obligations to society. This option is geared more towards the topics we saw in Plato’s work: respect for the law, the demand for conformity in opinions, the relationship of religious authority to political justice. Focus on one or more topics of this sort and show how it relates to your view of human nature. Make an argument in support of your view.EITHER WAY: Your paper should include the following elements: – Make an argument (present reasons to justify your claims). – Show the connection between your view and human nature. This could involve a discussion of the good life, the soul, virtue, or other concepts we have discussed. – Compare your view with at least one of the texts we have read from either Plato or Aristotle. This would involve the discussion of at least one passage from the text.Attached pdfs are the reading materials. When you cite the text, make clear of the page number. Note: you need to refer and cite, but don’t refer/cite too much. Your own thoughts are the most important.No reference list is needed. NO other sources are needed.

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