· Essays should be 3 double-spaced pages. Give a title that suggests your argument.
· Essays are due by 11:59pm on Wednesday 10th April.
· Essays should be emailed to me at shoumik.***************************
GRADING: Your performance on this assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
· Argument: IT IS CRUCIAL that you develop an argumentative thesis—this is a point you can support that is not obvious or just about the plot. Consider questions that ask “how” or “why” rather than “what?”
· Logic and organization: While some plot detail can illuminate your argument, you want to avoid retelling the story. Each paragraph should be relevant to your main argument; sub-arguments should not be repeated. Think of your paper as a place to prove your argument, and organize your evidence so that it will be most convincing!
· Evidence: Good readings usually zoom in on specific passages, drawing conclusions from close reading. You must use quotations from the text your paper discusses, taking care that your quotes support the points that you are making. Plot summary is not evidence!
· Tone: While your writing should be more exact and formal than in-class conversations, there is no need for stilted, bombastic prose. A clear, accessible style generally yields a stronger essay than a style dependent on unwieldy sentences and pedantic language. I think it is perfectly acceptable to use the first-person, occasional contractions, and your own voice. Do make sure that this comfortable writing still makes intelligent points and moves beyond opinion into ANALYSIS! Writing that does not strive for a scholarly tone often leaves too much up to the reader to figure out; recall that your job here is to COMMUNICATE ideas!