The Role of Cyber Espionage by Non-Governmental Groups in Shaping Modern Diplomacy and the Dynamics of International Treaties

Problem Statement:

To what extent does cyber espionage conducted by non-governmental groups influence the formation of modern diplomacy and the dynamics of international treaties?

For an excellent reference on this topic, visit:

Dissertation Plan:

1. Introduction:

• Opening Statement: Set the context and importance of the topic.
• Methodology: Outline the research methods and approaches used.
• Presentation of the Host Organization: Introduce the organization where the research is based.
• Initial Questions: Highlight the primary research questions.
• Relevance of the Topic: Explain the significance of the subject matter.

2. Developments:

a. General Contextualization:

• Position the activities within the context of the host organization or sector.
• Describe main missions to showcase acquired competencies.
• Identify a central “problem” based on a need, failure, barrier, or risk within the organization.

b. Problem Selection:

• Select a core problem (organizational, managerial, communication, risk management, etc.) as the dissertation’s focus.
• Conduct a strategic analysis and propose recommendations.
• Demonstrate the ability to provide solutions for the organization or sector.

c. Validation:

• The dissertation director, in agreement with the company tutor, validates the initial problem statement and plan.
• Adjustments to the initial question may be made based on field investigations or external research.

d. Autonomous Work:

• Allocate time for field studies, strategic analysis, result sharing, and dissertation writing.

3. Conclusion

Written Document Requirements:

• Length: 50 pages of text (from the first line of the introduction to the last line of the conclusion, excluding appendices, table of contents, and bibliography).
• Formatting:
• Font: Times New Roman, size 12
• Line spacing: 1.5
• Margins: 2.5 cm (top/bottom, left/right)
• Pagination: Document must be paginated

Order of Elements:

1. Cover Page: Should display the name of the school.
2. Acknowledgments Page (optional): Thank individuals who contributed to the work.
3. Abbreviations Page (optional): List and explain abbreviations and acronyms used in the text. Distinguish between French and English acronyms.
4. Table of Contents: Mandatory, provides a structured list of titles for quick reference and navigation.
5. Main Text: Includes introduction, developments, and conclusion.
6. Appendices: Must be numbered and sources clearly indicated.
7. Bibliography 

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