Im writing my master thesis on M&A performance in the U.S financial sector. The thesis was not ready to defend and need some improvements. My supervisor told me that the literature review needs some work alongside some other parts of the thesis. Im looking for someone that can help me improve my thesis so that I can graduate my master Finance. I attached the final version of my thesis, and the feedback I received on this version.
I attach the draft with several comments, look into them. Overall, it needs some more work and it is still weak in some parts/aspects, but you can get there.
Your exposition is often superficial, and you make statements without backing them up with references or conceptual elaboration.
You are also sometimes sloppy: for example you never define and relate to previous literature the concept of Strategic Alignment, which is at the core of your work.
The literature review is sub-standard: it is just a list of papers, whereas it should show you command the previous literature and are building your hypotheses to advance it. You do neither, and in section 4 you just state Hypotheses, without any link to previous literature. In fact, Sections 3 and 4 should be swapped. See Section 2.1.1 for how hollow is your literature review.
Use the JF or RFS standard formatting for all tables.
I put comments pointing to the need to link the methodology to the results: now your thesis is a list of unrelated statements, you need to come up with a ‘thesis,’ an interpretative study thet generates some new knowledge.
For the first 3 Hs you have no interpreation nor link to the literature, and for the others you just compare your results to those of a couple of papers. This is not enough: how do you **interpret** your results (what do they tell to the theory the Hs are based on?). Also, at the end you need to come up with an overall assessment of the various results and a ‘message’ from the thesis.