Do the topic on: The Role of Identity Exploration in Adolescent Development: Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Revisited
-I added powerpoints from slides from class to display Eriksons theoery and to connect some parts towards in text.
-Find and read a popular, mainstream media article (magazine, newspaper, article on the
Internet) that is relevant to one of the topics we are studying this semester. (e.g., Why Your
Teenager Is Moody or Grumpy (
Internet) that is relevant to one of the topics we are studying this semester. (e.g., Why Your
Teenager Is Moody or Grumpy (
the popular article.
detection software)
that you can learn how to locate a scholarly article.
1. Summarize the information contained in the articles,
2. Evaluate the information in both articles by doing the following:
a. Compare and contrast the information from both articles.
b. How were the facts supporting the authors’ claims derived? Were the sources of
information cited?
c. Did the authors’ conclusions follow logically from these facts? Were there
alternative explanations?
d. What future research can be suggested by these articles?