The Role of Luxury Hotel Design in Constructing Identity in urban neighbourhood and how to make luxury design more accesible

TILTLE: The Role of Luxury Hotel Design in
Constructing Identity in urban neighbourhood and how to make luxury design more

1. Problem

hotel design is a vital element in shaping the identity and character of urban
neighborhoods, serving as a cultural landmark and a symbol of sophistication.
Through its architecture, interior design, and integration with the local
environment, luxury design reflects the aspirations and values of its
surroundings, enhancing the prestige and global appeal of the area. 

while luxury design is crucial for creating iconic urban identities, its
exclusivity often limits access to broader audiences. As society increasingly
values inclusivity and shared experiences, the challenge is to make luxury
hotel design more accessible without diminishing its essence of elegance and
refinement. How can luxury hotel design be reimagined to remain a hallmark of
identity creation while fostering inclusivity and broader community
engagement? (citation)

2. Contextual

-go through
and read journal article anything related to topic, not must luxury hotel
design, can be relate back to main topic

-what is
luxury design

-what is
luxury design identity in urban neighbourhoods

Proposed research question

-why do u
think luxury design should be accessible (aim), research question

4. Justification
of scope of enquiry

scope (luxury hotel design)

to personal practice (interior design and architecture) how it is helpful for interior
designer and architects

everything not by writer need to be cited

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