The role of the private sector in upholding privacy protection, security and compliance while collaborating with Fusion centers.

Journal Article i have attached all the information to complete the journal article. however many pages is needed to make sure all the information os there. please make it happen and i will compenate for addtional pages. 


Review your work for typos and misspellings. When discussing the problem ensure you provide some specific examples where privacy was compromised. Only use et. al in subsequent citations. The first time you use the citations list all the authors. I would rephrase your research questions. What protocols should private entities follow when disseminating data to fusion centers in order to comply with privacy regulations and ethical considerations? What laws and regulations govern the dissemination of data from private companies to the fusion centers? Are private sector companies currently violating these laws and regulations? I would then combine several of your hypotheses to reflect answers to the above research questions. For example, complying with regulations outlined in HIPAA and GDPR will ensure that the private sector will safeguard private data. Make certain your survey questions are designed to answer your research questions and contribute to proving or disproving your hypotheses as well as the persons position/title within the company and if they have received any training in privacy concerns. How will you disseminate these questionnaires by email, focus groups, self administered

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