The selected site is located in Pakington, outside Birmingham, United Kingdom. The project is designed to aid in learning how different types of MSW streams are collected, separated and treated so that material and energy recovery can be optimized.


Picked Project site :The selected site is located in Pakington, outside Birmingham, United Kingdom.

The project is designed to aid in learning how different types of MSW streams are collected, separated and treated so that material and energy recovery can be optimized. Each group assumes the role of interns working for a consulting agency providing environmental management services. One of the clients has purchased a land area that they plan to develop into a residential area. Your group is asked to survey the site to establish the environmental status and possible difficulties with the planned development in mind. On the initial site visit, your team discovers the area has been used for illegal dumping of waste materials.

Phase 1: Each group selects the area, where the illegal dump is located. Please note that you are expected to apply relevant regulations and examine available waste infrastructure, so be sure to select a region with this information available on a language you are able to understand. Each team decides the types of wastes to use as examples, so long as at least one example waste is classified as hazardous waste according to the European List of Waste, and at least one is biological waste material (i.e. suitable for biological waste treatment) and there are as many different types of wastes as there are group members.

Please be sure to work as a team since the group is awarded the average points of each waste type description! It is advisable to select very specific waste examples (e.g. a product group or certain material), which will ease the identification and justification of potential treatment methods. Groups name the selected regions, and the example wastes for each group on the table in Learn.

Phase 2: For quantification purposes, each group gathers information on their household waste generation on weeks 4 to 10. Each group is borrowed a scale to use for weighing the

quantities of

• kitchen biowaste

• EPR waste

• hazardous waste

• mixed waste

The group averages are marked on the shared table on Learn. Those not willing to share their personal waste generation rates should look for relevant average waste amounts to use. The cumulative waste amounts are used to calculate the energy potentials of the example wastes (calculation tutoring 10.2. and 20.2., groupwork tutoring 13.2.2025), which can be used as justifications for the selected treatment options.

Phase 3: Each group prepares to present a plan for the transportation (including possible labeling and packaging requirements and the justification for the selected treatment site), and treatment of the example wastes noting the locally available

infrastructure, legal requirements and cooperation with relevant authorities. The treatment options should include a comparison of the available mechanical, thermal, chemical (if applicable) and biological options and a proposal on which of these would be preferred for each waste type along with the justifications (especially CE and sustainability aspects).The presentations should be a maximum of 30 minutes in total and include at least the following:

• Introduction of the region and the example waste characteristics.

• Legal requirements on the collection and transportation of the example wastes. The local waste management authorities and available infrastructure (e.g. where can the example wastes be taken).

• Possible mechanical treatment usable for the example wastes.

• Possible thermal (and thermochemical/chemical) treatment usable for the example wastes.

• Possible biological treatment usable for the example wastes.

• Justification for the recommended treatment options (along with the estimated energy potentials).

Also add a listing of the reference materials used!

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