The Separation of Powers and Federalism in the U.S. Government: Representation and Effectiveness

Essay question: Discuss the separation of powers and how it manifests itself in the government of the Unites States. Do federalism and the separation of powers make government more representative? Do they make government more effective? Discuss. 

Essay Style and Structure: You will write a persuasive essay on the topic described below. You need to take a position (pro or con) on the subject matter and try to convince your reader to agree with your stance on the topic. This is a short essay; please be succinct in your writing. Tell us about your thesis statement and argument(s) in your introductory paragraph; make your argument(s) in the body of the paper, support any generalization with evidence from scholarly sources; conclude your writing with a brief closing paragraph. 


Please follow the norms of formal writing. Use complete words and sentences, proper grammar and spelling. Avoid awkward phrasings. Be on the safe side, avoid long and confusing sentences, remain focused on the topic. 

It should be up to 800 words long, in MS Word, double-spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman, black font, on 8.5 x 11 white paper, with one-inch margins on all sides. 

-Grading Criteria



  • The questions of the assignment are addressed/answered sufficiently and comprehensively
  • A clear stance it taken. Arguments are supported with reason and evidence
  • Possible counter arguments are anticipated and acknowledged/addressed 
  • Writing is accurate, with no factual errors
  • Arguments are properly referenced!!!
  –Format, Organization, Writing Style, and Grammar     
  • Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Well-structured, complete, clear and concise sentences
  • Text is argumentative and persuasive when needed
  • Structure displays a logical and coherent sequence. Effective transition sentences/words are utilized to maintain the coherence of the text
  • Paragraphs exhibit consistency in tense and tone
  • Examples and references are relevant and support the argument(s)

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