please read the PDF and the topic will be
The Spiritual Fall: Spirituality and the Reimagined Fall in Fred Tomaselli’s “Expulsion” 2000
need at least three bibliography cite on raserchpaper.
short research paper in which you study a contemporary work of art based on scholarly bibliography and cite your sources. Remember that we are using the FIFTH edition of the book edited by Robertson & C. McDaniel, Themes of Contemporary Art: Visual Art after 1980, which was published in 2022.
practice how to create a thesis statement, an argument to support it, and a conclusion. Moreover, this assignment focuses on the use of bibliography: how to integrate different voices and opinions into your argument. I always appreciate when you give your opinion. However, you have to support your opinion, i.e. give an “informed opinion” based on the scholarship you have consulted while doing research. This is a visual exercise too: include your own analysis of the work of art under discussion.
use The Chicago Manual Style.The text is to be double-spaced and typed using a 12 point Times font.
General structure:
Common models for the essay format comprise the five-paragraph and keyhole models.
According to the latter, the essay is visualized as a keyhole shape with three parts: first, an introduction narrows to a thesis statement or focus issue; second, the paragraphs within the body build logically, swell with related content and supporting topics, and narrow to a solution or resolution; third, the conclusion reiterates the solution, summarizes major supporting points, and returns the reader to broader ideas.
Presentation and Thesis Statement
a. First paragraph: presentation and introduction: artist’s nationality, style, period or whatever you need for your argument.
The “presentation” contextualizes your thesis statement. For example: “I will argue that van Gogh’s art …..” is not the same as “Although Vincent van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853, he created his most famous paintings after his move to Paris in 1886. Thus, his art can only be understood in the context of the development of the French avant-gardes of the late XIX century. In this paper I will argue…. “
In the second example, I have informed you of the period when the artist was working, his nationality, that he was a painter, and that he worked in France and was around the impressionist and post-impressionist artists.
B. IN THIS PAPER: Your thesis statement has to argue that one of the Themes proposed by Robertson and McDaniels in the book Themes, helps better understand or sheds light onto the work of the artist or work of art you have chosen. The paper is a demonstration of this hypothesis. Your research should be oriented toward proving your hypothesis. The artist might or might not agree with this, but this is your interpretation of their work.
This is a research paper. The “research” component takes place mainly between the moment you choose the topic, and when you establish your argument. It implies reading vetted sources on the topic and the artists of your choice until you find your argument.
Example: Let’s say you chose to write about Banksy. You have already narrowed the scope of your topic. Now you have to decide: What work of art will I consider? Why? What theme?
You cannot decide any of those queries before reading what has been written by the artists, the scholars and critics specialized in his work. You might “want to say” that he is French, but you won’t find any source supporting your idea. Moreover, you will unconsciously skew the sources to try to prove your idea. The same with the theme: Let’ say your argument is about Banksy and identity. You must know what identity means in the context of the contemporary artworld. It is not what the dictionary says, the artworld has a particular acceptation of the term and your paper must acknowledge it. In this case, if your paper is about Banksy and race you must remember that he is British, has remained anonymous and that he has been active in the last 20 years. This means that you cannot use the idea of identity current in the 70s. and that you must be careful so that you do not project onto the analysis of Banksy’s work notions of race that are particular to the USA. You will also have to consider that your assumptions about the work of this anonymous artist cannot be based on biographical information.
Once you have said what you will argue, you must explain how you will build your argument.
Remember: your argument is that a certain work of art can be interpreted using one of the themes proposed by Robertson and McDaniels in the Themes book. You must include a good definition//characterization of the theme and relate the theme to the work you have chosen to write about. Example: if you are arguing that an artwork concerns about the effects of Global Warming (science): what is that? What aspect (Ice caps, ozone)?
Conclusion: This is where you wrap up your argument. Introduce new material within the conclusion only if the material demonstrates how the topic might be extended, or indicates an area of study that requires examination in order to resolve an issue.Whatever you feel you need to add here to support your thesis, goes in the body of the