“The use of computational technologies has enhanced marketing and advertising.” Critically discuss this statement.

The subject is digital advertising and marketing. 
Focus the essay on influencers (so something like ‘how has social media, algorithms and the rise/use of influencers enhanced marketing and advertising’) Any of the following topics can also be touched upon:
  • Big data analytics

  • Behavioural advertising

  • Behavioural branding

  • Programmatic infrastructures

  • Native advertising

  • Authenticity

  • Targeting

  • Personalisation 

•the essay must discuss advantages and disadvantages, benefits and problems

•Might be a good idea to focus on particular stakeholders

•NOT descriptive 

• a good introduction – outline the main argument

•A logical, well-structured argument supported by examples (evidence), scholarly sources and analysis

•Demonstrate understanding & critical thinking

•Engage with sources in a deep, analytical way 

•Avoid making unsubstantiated claims and generalisations

Case studies must be used and they MUST be from academic sources.  

Overall about 15-20 sources should be fine. 

At least 4 academic sources must be used, at least 1 of which must be from the following list:

These two are particularly important: 

Hearn, A. and Shoenhoff, S. (2015) From Celebrity to Influencer: Tracing the Diffusion of Celebrity Value across the Data Stream’, in A Companion to Celebrity, Wiley 

IAB (2019) ‘Views from the Industry: Influencer Marketing’, available at https://www.iabuk.com/research/views-industry-influencer-marketing 

Additional sources:

Ahmed, S. (2004). The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Routledge, New York.

Banet-Weiser, S. (2012). Authentic TM : the politics and ambivalence in a brand culture. New York University Press.Carlson, M. (2015). When news sites go native: Redefining the advertising–editorial divide in response to native advertising. Journalism, 16(7), 849–865.

Couldry, N., & Turow, J. (2014). Advertising, big data and the clearance of the public realm: marketers’ new approaches to the content subsidy. International Journal of Communication, 8, 1710–1726.

Mitchell, A. (2014) State of the News Media 2014, Pew. http://www.journalism.org/2014/03/26/state-of-the-news-media-2014-overview/

Damasio, A. (2000) ‘Stepping into the Light’, in The Feeling of What Happens: Body, Emotion and the Making of Consciousness. Vintage Books, London: pp.1-32.

Jenkins, H., Ford, S., & Green, J. (2013). Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture. NYU Press.

Paasonen, S. (2016). ‘Fickle Focus: Distraction, Affect and the Production of Value in Social Media’, First Monday, 21 (10), https://firstmonday.org/article/view/6949/5629

Schauster, E. E., Ferrucci, P., & Neill, M. S. (2016). Native Advertising Is the New Journalism: How Deception Affects Social Responsibility. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(12), 1408–1424.

Terranova, T. (2012). ‘Attention Economy and the Brain,’ Culture Machine, 13, pp. 1-19.

If you don’t have access to any of these I can send them. 

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