Individual Report (10%):
The use of FinFETs on microchips was commercialized in early 2010s and it quickly
became the dominant gate design for 14 nm, 10 nm and 7 nm process nodes. Conduct a
literature survey on the FinFet technologies and write a report of no more than 5 pages
in A4 size. You must perform a plagiarism check to ensure your report is no more than
12% similarity in total.
Examples of content to be included (but not limited to) are as follows: descriptions of the
FinFet technologies, the processes, FinFet device operations, performances, its merits,
the state-of-the-arts FinFets, industry norm, technology trend, etc. Depending on the
extend of your discussion, you do not need to include all the above mentioned.
Submit your soft copy report (Word or PDF) with the similarity report attached as appendix
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