The Waltz (1892-1905) Camille Claudel (Chapter 65) & Double Portrait (c. 1469-1472) Piero della Francesca (Chapter 39)

Likewise, it is important to engage with the process of comparing two artworks to understand the significance of their context, from the perspective of their similarities and differences.

As such, you will be completing a research paper that not only incorporates visual analysis and research, but also engagement with a comparison of two artworks.


  • 1500 words (approx. 4-5 pages); typed and double-spaced
  • A minimum of 4 sources (not including the textbook)
  • You may use your textbook as a source, but you should then have AT LEAST 4 other sources consulted, for a total of 5.
  • Ideally you will be finding at least 2 outside sources for each artwork you use in your paper
  • 12pt. Times New Roman Font
  • 1 in. margins on all sides
  • Include a heading that has your name, the date, class name, and professor name
  • Come up with a creative title for your essay (centered at top of 1st page)
  • Things to keep in mind:

    • When writing about an artwork, you should always include the title, artist, and year of production when first introducing it to your reader. Titles of artworks are always italicized. 
    • Citations are NOT INCLUDED in the overall word count!
    • There is no option to submit this assignment late; it is highly suggested that you give yourself a good few hours (even a full day) to account for any technical issues when attempting to submit your work.
    • This paper should be your work, and your work alone.
    • If A.I. use is detected in your paper, you will not receive credit for the assignment.

    Basic Outline/Guidelines to Consider:

    Your paper should include the following:

    • Introductory paragraph (addressing the two artworks you’ll be comparing and a well-developed thesis)
    • Paragraph discussing the basic overview of artwork #1 (historical information)
    • Paragraph discussing visual/formal qualities of artwork #1
    • Paragraph discussing the basic overview of artwork #2 (historical information)
    • Paragraph discussing visual/formal qualities of artwork #2
    • Paragraph providing comparative analysis (similarities and differences) between your two artworks
    • Concluding paragraph that ties everything together and re-addresses your initial thesis

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