Think of a new business idea and write a business proposal for theoretical investors

Assignment Title

n this end of module project you will need to think of a new business idea and write a business proposal for theoretical investors. In your proposal you should:

    1. Outline your business idea, develop your brand mission and purpose drawing from your knowledge of Why-How-What framework.
    2. Use a relevant business framework to define your business, which should include all the main features, including your value proposition, customers, activities, channels, resources, revenue streams and cost structure.
    3. Drawing from your knowledge of SOSTAC framework, produce a marketing plan for the year 1 of your business. As the business is in the idea formation stage, not all elements within the SOSTAC framework will be relevant for you.
    4. However, you need to demonstrate your ability to evaluate your current situation in the market, set clear objectives, recommend relevant strategy (including clearly describing your target audience), tactics for achieving the objectives as well as your ability to manage actions and understand the key metrics.
    5. Suggest opportunities for scaling the business up in the future.

    The following learning outcomes for the module are applicable to this assignment:

    • Develop an integrated digital marketing plan and understand the online implications of the marketing mix elements.
    • Understand your customers and adapt the digital models (business, revenue, communications and buying models) appropriate for your business.
    • Create a strategy, plan and manage social media, email marketing, paid and organic search campaigns.
    • Evaluate and apply the elements of an effective digital experience across desktop and mobile.
    • Manage digital marketing activities with presented opportunities and challenges.
    • Use web analytics to measure the performance of online campaigns.
    You need to properly outline how you will use digital marketing tools to achieve the objectives of the business.  You need to provide  background information on the business; including your value proposition, customers, activities, channels, resources, revenue streams and cost structure. You need to provide more specific details about the Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, Actions and Controls. You also need to include a clear action plan that outlines how you will utilise the 3Ms (Men, Money and Minutes).

Core Reading Ebook (I need this book to be cited in the paper) 

Title: Digital Marketing Excellence 

 Edition: 6th

 Author(s): Chaffey, D

 Date of Publication: 2022

 Publisher: Routledge

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