This week, you will use all the features of data analysis in EpiInfo to present a report. You will build on the knowledge you learned in the Week 5 assignment. If you did not correctly complete the Week 5 assignment, you will need to review and make sure you can complete before beginning this assignment. Also, use the CDC User Guide as a reference: Epi Infoβ’ User Guide. See this website for all methods for Epi Info:
For this assignment, you will be the lead epidemiologist for a public health organization and will provide a report to your agency on the health issue. You will use a data set that is already in EpiInfo. You can choose the “Community Health Assessment” or “HIV”.
1. Open your data set: Open EpiInfo program and open Visual Dashboard. Right select on canvas and select on “Set Data Source”. A new window should appear. In the text box Database Type it should read “Epi Info 7 Project”. You will select a data set to use. Under Data Source, select on Browse button. In the “Projects” Folder you will see many folders. Choose either “CommunityHealthAssessment” or “HIV”. Double-select on the file to open in the folder. In the Data Source Explorer window, you will choose “PreInterventionSurvey” if using the Community Health Assessment option. In the box at the top right, you will see the total number of records present in that data set as 800. If it reads “0” then you have chosen the wrong file and you should start over. For “HIV”, you should see 359 records.
2. Now, that you have opened your data set, look around at it. Get to know it by opening up a Line List. Look at the variables that are included as you will need to use them to complete the assignment.
3. Using this data set, you will create a descriptive and analytical epidemiology report. You will also need to submit your HTML file of your dashboard that has the supporting tables and graphs for each question (as you did in the Week 5 exercise – right-select “Save output as HTML”). Failure to include html file will result in the assignment being returned to you and late penalties applied. Your HTML file must show the date and time of when the analysis was run – this will be the heading or top lines of your file.
Part One: Descriptive Epidemiology. Describe the persons, place, and time of the disease(s) that are mentioned in the data set. Review Lesson 2 for a refresher of descriptive epidemiology.
Part Two: Analytical Epidemiology. After conducting the descriptive epidemiology study, create a testable hypothesis (one that is not already answered in part one). For example, Socioeconomic status is correlated with asthma symptoms in young children. You will choose a test (advanced statistic or table) to either accept or reject your hypothesis.
You must include the following analysis gadgets in your work (this is a minimum – you can include more than the minimum):
Frequency table (at least three, at least one using grouping)
Combined Frequency (at least one)
Means (at least one)
Stratified means (at least one)
Define a new variable. You may use any of the methods but you must create one new variable and use it in your analysis. Include “new” or “recoded” in the new variable name so it is obvious which variable is new. (
2×2 table OR matched pair case-control OR cross-tabulated mean (all may be used if appropriate)
One chart (your choice – you will be graded on if the choice is appropriate for the analysis)
One advanced statistics (your choice – you will be graded on whether you chose the correct analysis)
Formatting report: You should submit a Word doc or PDF with written discussion and include tables and images created such as charts or maps AND an html file. See for discussion on how to represent data.
Word or PDF: Provide one-two paragraphs (keep it brief) on the background of the data and the diseases discussed. Discuss parts one and two above. Provide sections for person, place, time in part one. State what you found and insert and refer to the tables (ex. See table 1). For Part two, include your hypothesis and discuss why you chose the test you chose to determine to accept or reject your hypothesis. What recommendations can you give based on this information? Remember you are the epidemiologist providing your report to the organization you work for. The report should be concise. The answers should be obvious. Please do not include discussion on how you used the program. Include inserted tables, charts and/or maps in this document – format properly with titles and legends. Report should be in APA format. References should be cited in-text and provide a reference section. PLEASE NOTE – you will be graded on how you present the tables and images.
html file: Prepare your dashboard as a report by inserting Simple Text Boxes to give a title to your report including your name and to give a title to each table/graph you include. Do this before saving as an HTML. NOTE: Charts do not appear in HTML file. Save charts as an image file and include in the Word or PDF document (in proper formatting).
EXTRA CREDIT (up to +10 pts): Create a map ( State why you chose the map you did and write a summary statement based on the information provided in the map. NOTE: Maps do not appear in HTML file. Save map as an image file and paste into Word or PDF document for submission.