This week’s resource (Carter, 2014), on poetry writing in the classroom, discusses the different types of poems and activities to help each student better understand each type of poem. It also discusses the importance of a poetry writing workshop using thinking time, talking time, brainstorming time, writing time, and sharing time. The creation of these workshops is explained further in the introduction as well as on pages 58-70. Your paper must:
- evaluate the learning benefits of poetry activities for student success in poetry writing.
- create a poetry writing workshop, for use in the classroom, to help guide students with poetry writing that includes a draft plan for further extending poetry writing activities in the classroom.
- thinking time
- talking time
- brainstorming time
- writing time
- sharing time
Submit a paper that is 3-4 pages in length exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. The paper must cite at least 1 outside sources in APA format and be well-written. Check all content for grammar, spelling and be sure that you have properly cited all resources (in APA format) used.
1. Carter, J. (2004). Page to stage: developing writing, speaking and listening skills in primary schools. David Fulton Publishers. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN).
- Read pages ix-xi (focuses on the introduction of why poetry writing is important in the classroom)
- Read pages 2-119 (focuses on different strategies of poetry writing and the creation of a poetry writing workshop
- Rubic
- Evaluate the learning benefits of poetry activities for student success in poetry writing and drafts a plan on taking poetry writing activities a step further in the classroom – Evaluates the learning benefits of poetry activities for student success in poetry writing in great detail and drafts a very detailed plan on taking poetry writing activities a step further in the classroom
- Creates a poetry writing workshop for use in the classroom to help guide students to poetry writing using thinking time, talking time, brainstorming time, writing time and sharing time – Creates a very detailed poetry writing workshop for use in the classroom to help guide students to poetry writing using thinking time, talking time, brainstorming time, writing time and sharing time
- Citation, APA format, clear presentation – Cites more than one source, uses APA format, and paper is free of grammatical errors.