Thoroughly read the attached pdf (Week 11 – Topic Overview) then, Select three strategic management models to help explain how businesses should position themselves to exploit current trends.
- PESTEL Analysis (Week 2) Page 11-13
- Porter’s Five Forces of Model (Week 3) Page 2-7
- Lewin’s Model for Change (Week 10) Page 6-8
Hurtado, P.S. (2008) ‘Re-evaluating Mintzberg’s Strategy Schools under the Lens of the ‘Theory of Practice’’, Competition Forum, 6(1), pp. 159-167.
Inkpen, A. & Choudhury, N. (1995) ‘The seeking of strategy where it is not: towards a theory of strategy absence’, Strategic Management Journal (1986-1998), 16(4), pp. 313-332.
Ramos-Rodríguez, A. & Ruíz-Navarro, J. (2004) ‘Changes in the intellectual structure of strategic management research: a bibliometric study of the Strategic Management Journal, 1980-2000’, Strategic Management Journal, 25(10), pp. 981-1004.
Jones, K.A. & Judge, W.Q. (2002) ‘CEO trustworthiness: a source of competitive advantage’, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 1, pp. 57-78.
Mathooko, F.M. & Ogutu, M. (2015) ‘Porter’s five competitive forces framework and other factors that influence the choice of response strategies adopted by public universities in Kenya’, The International Journal of Educational Management, 29(3), pp. 334-354.
Porter, M.E. (1990) ‘The competitive advantage of nations’, Harvard business review, 68(2), pp.73-93.
3. Lewin’s Model for Change (Week 10) Page 6-8
Sources/References: pick any two
Johnson, G., Yip, G.S. & Hensmans, M. (2012) ‘Achieving Successful Strategic Transformation’, MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), pp. 25-32.
Le, S. & Kroll, M. (2017) ‘CEO international experience: Effects on strategic change and firm performance’, Journal of International Business Studies, 48(5), pp. 573-595.
Paul, V. & Franckeiss, A. (2002) ‘The five dimensions of change: an integrated approach to strategic organizational change management’, Strategic Change, 11(1), pp. 35-42.