Essay #1 Rewrites
- Due Thursday by 11:55am
- Points 15
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types doc, docx, rtf, and pdf
- Available until Mar 13 at 11:55am
First, please understand that this assignment is not asking you to resubmit a full revised essay.
I get a lot of full revised essays submitted for this anyway, so I’d like you to read that again:
You will not submit a full revised essay. You only need to rewrite individual sentences or paragraphs which I have pointed in your feedback on Essay #1. You will need to press “View Feedback” to see my comments on the essay file itself (looking at the grades and general “Assignment Comments” is not enough).
You will only work on sentences I have told you to REVISE or REWRITE in all capital letters.
Although I may make comments like “This sentence should be deleted” or “This paragraph should be moved”, you only have to rewrite highlighted sentences that say REVISE or REWRITE in the comment.
For those sentences and/or paragraphs I have pointed out, please submit a homework assignment as a new document. Present the sentence or paragraph as you had it in the original essay (that is, cut and paste it from the file of your essay), and label it “OLD”. Then present the rewritten or revised sentence or paragraph and label it “NEW”.
When I ask you to rewrite a sentence or paragraph, I intend for you to be able to change and rearrange it quite a bit. First, look at my directions for it. In asking you to rewrite paragraphs, consider changing the order of the sentences. If the assignment contains topic sentences or thesis statements, write them as the best TS or thesis statement for the essay you wrote.
If you just change one word or just add or delete a comma, you likely have not done enough.
Occasionally, I will ask you to WRITE a new sentence or paragraph.
Almost all of these are grammar issues. Although a complete new approach to the sentence is often a good revision strategy, here I want you to change the sentence as little as possible. Just fix errors, making as few other changes as possible.
Question: “Does he really want me to cut and paste this whole sentence just to remove one comma?”
Answer: “If it’s the only error I pointed out, then yes. I am hoping in doing so that you’ll see the error.”
Another goal is for you to learn about the type of error using the Correction Codes and Explanation under Resources. If you still don’t know what “ro” or “frag” or “s/v agr” means, please look at Correction Codes and Explanation.