Informational Interviewing Experience
Identify a professional in your filed that you would like to connect
Make arrangements to conduct the interview via phone, Zoom, or in–
Prepare at least 7 questions to ask this professional regarding area like
your potential career path, college major, tips for success, lessons
they’ve learned on the job, etc.
After the interview, prepare a 2–3 page summary on your experience.
Further details will be shared.
Summary must be at least 2–3 pages and must include a cover page
and references page.
Due Date: via email by Sunday, June 30th by 11:59 p.m.
Week 6
Identify a professional in your filed that you would like to connect
Make arrangements to conduct the interview via phone, Zoom, or in–
Prepare at least 7 questions to ask this professional regarding area like
your potential career path, college major, tips for success, lessons
they’ve learned on the job, etc.
After the interview, prepare a 2–3 page summary on your experience.
Further details will be shared.
Summary must be at least 2–3 pages and must include a cover page
and references page.
Due Date: via email by Sunday, June 30th by 11:59 p.m.
Week 6
July 1st – July 3rd Career Research Project
Further details and helpful tips for completing the Career Research
Project will be provided.
July 1st – July 3rd Career Research Project
Further details and helpful tips for completing the Career Research
Project will be provided.
use paper attached for referene and make up other quetstions with fake answers but switch up this paper for it wont come up with a.i or plagarism report