write a one-pager (250 words) with your thoughts after a highly-distilled processing of your readings.
feedback: An important part of your work will consist of defining the construct of mental health and the construct of online education. As discussed in our meeting, mental health may be many things, may vary with country, and may be defined and approached in different ways in different countries. Something similar can be said about what counts as online education, which may include such diverse things as: the availability of resources online, the existence of online courses, the offer of online tutoring, and the availability of full online programs—among many other things that can vary across countries.
Comparability is critical to your study. Your work will have to problematize (that is, to identify and conceptually address) this variety. To be able to compare countries, you need to develop a clear conceptual framework of mental health and a clear conceptual framework of online college education. These conceptual frameworks should provide a clear idea of mental health and online education that will be applicable to the three countries and yet it will be able to capture what is specific of each.
I think your next task should be: To provide an initial definition of mental health and an initial definition of online education in college. I do not want you to cite existing definitions. I want you to produce your own definitions after you examine definitions by different authors, you explore about mental health in different countries (right now, they do not have to be your three countries). This should introduce you to the complexities of defining concepts that are critical to your work.