- Times New Roman
- 5000-6000 words
- 1,5 spaced
- Harvard citation (pages (p., pp.) in small letters, not big)
- Table of contents
- Bibliography (e.g. primary sources (parliamentary minutes), media reports (also on statements), scientific literature)
- Introduction: Abstract on the topic and the problem with a case study, “research puzzle”, research question, thesis, outlook/summary of results, state of research (how far did the research go on about this topic? Why did I take this question for analysis?), structure of essay
- Main part: theory, methodology, analysis
- Conclusion: answering the research question, confirmation/rejection of the thesis, evaluation of the results, limitations, significance for the larger phenomenon (implications)
- Narrow down question above empirically to a specific conference, or a time period etc. e.g. climate COP or something like that: https://www.unwomen.org/en/csw/csw67-2023
This main text inspired the analysis: Joachim, Jutta 2003 “Framing issues and seizing opportunities: The UN, NGOs, and women’s rights” —> mention in introduction why this text and how it contributed to the question
- Feminist Activism in the International Arena” by Christine Sylvester (2000)
- Women and Politics in a Global World” edited by Sarah L. Henderson and Alana S. Jeydel (2015)