use the sources and answer the question To what extent can international development today be seen as a form of imperialism in the New ‘Scramble for Africa’?
introduction: 100 words
International development facilitates neo-colonialism- use dependency theory to explain this
content of the body:
1. Unequal distribution of wealth and power – extraction of resources and mining, e.g in Congo and Nigeria. give data and numbers to show that more money goes out of Africa than is given to it as aid. making it dependent on foreign capitals, creating a cycle of economic dependency and debt accumulation, etc. making it structurally trapped, dependent, and marginalised in the global political economy
2. Land acquisitions and land grabs for either agriculture and other purposes in Ethiopia or anywhere else for food security. e.g Saudi. human rights abuses and exploitation of labour and resources, modern day slavery in Congo- cobalt mining, making natives reliant on low paying jobs provided by foreign aid, investment, and industries for financial sustenance and livelihood
give alot date about all parties involved, including the U.S., European powers, BRICS, China, Korea and Arab nations, as evidence for the two paragraphs
Conclusion 100