Research Paper: Drafting & Organizing Content for Paragraphs (format- MLA) Introduction of Topic (general statements regarding topic/context for paper) Para 1 or 2 Introduction of Argument (context for argument/strong lead-in, justification) Para 1 or 2 Claim Statement (must appear in 1st or 2nd paragraph) Underline Historical/Background (dates, times, places, clear & concise historical context) Terminology/Definitions (identify & define all unfamiliar terms & references) Supporting Point 1 Supporting Point 2 Case Driven Paragraph (one specific, detailed case or scenario) Counter-Argument (strong, logical counterargument & strong rebuttal) 1 to 2 paragraph(s) Supporting Point 3 Block Quote (strong example/support) greater than six sentences/cannot take up full page Conclusion (Reiterate strongest points, do not introduce anything new) Miscellaneous Content (validate relevance & necessity) Proper MLA Documentation Check each paragraph for proper in-text citations (authorβs last name and page) Identify all stand-alone direct quotes (direct quotes must be in the context of a sentence) Proper punctuation after citation (must go after citation) Cross reference all in-text citations to Works Cited page Check Works Cited page (no standard heading, alphabetize, indent all 2nd and subsequent lines, nothing should be underlined, include medium (print, web, DVD, etc.)) General Conventions Standard four-line heading, Effective title, running header (last name and page #) Check use of italics and quotation marks throughout (nothing should be bolded or underlined) Evident use of transitions (however, therefore, consequently, moreover, thus, subsequently) At least two paragraphs per page and no more than three All paragraphs are at least seven sentences in length & indented MLA Conventions throughout (double spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman font) General: spelling, grammar, third person only, active voice
Topic : Convicted sex offenders should not be allowed to live wherever they wish, because over more than half commit the same crime again.
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