Please deposit your persuasive speech outline here using all five steps of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence plus the additional step for the counterargument. Your outline should have the following components:
Thesis statement – one sentence that include a preview of the main points (preview of the main points might be a combination of the subpoints from all informative speech topics represented in the group)
1. introduction = Attention getter plus repeat of thesis statement (found in attachment below)
2. Body = Need – statement of the problem (might cover all subpoints from all informative speech topics represented in the attachment below)
3. Body = Satisfaction – proposed solution or solutions to the problem (find more details about this)
4. Body = Visualisation – How would things be better when the solution is put in place (find more details about this)
5. Body = Counterargument and rebuttal – why do some people say that this is not a problem or how would things look if we didn’t put solutions in place? (find details about this dont forget link use a real source please)
6. Conclusion – Call to Action – what are you asking your audience to do to contribute to the solution to the problem. Call to action must be immediate and measureable.
References – the persuasive speech requires a minimum of 5-6 references