I want someone with experience in this field of Advanced Empirical Research Methods to make a paper for me / 7 pages. He also has experience in dealing with Stata software. If you have no experience in this, do not contact me. Topic in description.
Outcome: Kcal consumed per adult equivalent per day.
Treatment: Hhh member in an organization (1=yes, 0=no)
EXAM Guidelines: Advanced ERM Winter Semester 2023/2024. DATE: 09/01/2024
A. General Information
Your individual work will focus on application of the methods you learnt in class. You are given a dataset and a research objective-randomly assigned to you
Choose an appropriate method (based on the given objective) for your empirical analysis using Stata.
i. Random and Fixed Effects Models
ii. Randomized Controlled Trials
iii. Heckman Selection Models
iv. Instrumental Variables
v. Differences-in-Differences Estimation
vi. Propensity Score matching
Note: Always compare your model of choice results with the OLS results. Read current empirical studies to see how tables are presented in a paper
Use ***, ** and * to show 1%, 5%, and 10% level of significance respectively Use footnotes to show the type of statistical test applied for descriptive statistics
B. Instructions: Your individual work should include items 1 to 7 as explained below (Maximum Points= 100). Secondly, Prepare and submit a well written log-file that include final analysis only (please, do not include in the log-file the trails and errors stage of analysis. Note: including analyses which are not part of the final report will lead to loss of points).
Thus, submit the following two documents. See the deadline in TUMonline.
a. Final report – average 8 pages-PDF format (including references, excluding appendix and the title page)
b. Log-file showing final analysis: At the top show your Matriculation number, date and the
research question. Note: When No log-file submitted, the final report will be awarded Fail.
C. AI is only allowed to collect information. It is NOT ALLOWED to take texts / paragraphs from AI sources like chat gpt. Your submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism and AI. In science, plagiarism is defined as the pretense of a personal contribution that was not made. Should we find that AI has been used as text in the paper or has been plagiarized, the work will be assessed as a fail.
D. See the deadline in TUMonline: 26.02.2024
E. Submission of your paper: Upload a pdf latest 22.02. 23:59 pm on moodle under student upload. No email needed / accepted. Name of the Paper: Familyname_Paper_Avanced_ERM_Jan24.pdf & Familyname_LOG_Advanced_ERM_Jan24
F. Topics assigned randomly assiegned :- see Excel ( My Topic:- Total annual hh net income Treatment
1. Abstract (max 250 words)- 5 points
2. Introduction (1 page)- 10 points
Provide statement of the problem
Brief literature review: What has been done so far?
Gaps identified in the literature and how this paper fills the gap(s) Objective(s) of the paper
3. Literature Review (1 page) – 10 points
Summary of the existing peer reviewed literature dealing with the topic. In which countries were such questions analyzed, which empirical models were applied, which variables were used, what were the results. Preferably presented in a table as discussed in the lecture.
4. Methodology (1.5 pages) – 20 points
Theoretical framework/Conceptual framework
Which Empirical model (the model of your choice that is appropriate to address your given research question: describe it, formula, assumptions, justification (pros and cons), pre and post estimation tests needed? Include an OLS model for comparison of results)
Study design
Data (study area, sampling procedure used, data collection method used, period of the survey(s)) Variables descriptions (table: name, description and unit, hypothesized sign, reference)
4. Results (1.5 page)- 20 points
Descriptive statistics (e.g. mean, SD for treatment vs controls, show the type of test used-with footnotes)
Empirical model results (Model 1) (model results, post estimation test (if any), presentation of results), Model 2 results (for comparison purposes, compare the results)
5. Discussion (1 page) – 10 Points
Discuss main results (explain main results, their implication, and comparison with the objectives/hypothesis and past empirical studies, if different from past studies-discuss why (context, data, methods). Discuss the robustness/suitability of the model
6. Conclusion ( 0.5 page)- 5 points
Summary of results, policy implications, limitation(s) of the study, area(s) for further research.
7. Reference (max 1 page)– 5 points
Use peer reviewed scientific literature. List all cited works alphabetically, using the APA referencing style
8. The Log-file – 10 Points (Final results only, with comments)
G. Instructions on writing your final report: Adherence to this instructions: 5 Points
1. All citations be done according to the TUM guideline
Use data set provided in the Moodle from the Trans-Sec project. (Hint: Read carefully the project descriptions including the UPS and data description before you embark your individual work)..