The term paper is a 7-10 page paper on the topic below. The term paper will account for 30 percent of your final grade. Your paper must be double-spaced, using one-inch margins and a 12-point font (1750 words minimum). Cover pages and bibliographies do not count toward your word count. Any paper that uses inflated margins, spacing, or fonts and does not meet the minimum word count will automatically incur at least a 20-point penalty. You should have a minimum of seven full pages of text. In other words, having a half page of writing on page seven does not count as a full page. Please be aware that if you turn in a plagiarized paper, you will receive a grade of F for the course. If you have any questions about plagiarism, contact me.
You should minimize quotations from outside sources to a few sentences. In other words, you should not just cut and paste quotes from outside sources and hand that in. You should add your own analysis to your paper.
Topic: The term paper will consist of an analysis of any Indian nation/tribe in North America. You should choose any tribe you’d like, then provide descriptive information about the nation (location, population, language spoken, etc.), social issues, religious or spiritual practices, governmental structure, economic aspects, and also a discussion of any current challenges or issues that the nation/tribe faces. You MUST also add this section to your paper: What do you think is the most important issue facing your nation/tribe today?
Although you can include a short history of the nation, you should focus upon the current state of the nation. Again, this is NOT meant to be a history paper, but an examination of how the nation is doing today.
IMPORTANT: You may use any citation format you prefer, but you MUST provide citations to sources WITHIN the text of your paper. In other words, simply providing a bibliography is not enough. You must provide citations or footnotes within the body of your paper so that I can tell which language/facts are yours and which language/facts come from outside sources. Remember, you must provide a citation to a source if you quote language from that source in your paper or if you use a fact from the source AND you must enclose any language from your sources in quotation marks. Any paper that does not use citations/footnotes and quotation marks within the text of the paper will be returned to the writer for revisions; the late penalty will apply in this case.