In Part 1 of this project, you have the opportunity to think creatively. For this short paper, you will create and research a hypothetical turbine engine failure in a component or system of the engine. Please follow these guidelines:
- Ensure that you relate the problem to the engine and not simply the aircraft.
- Be specific about the type of failure you choose.
- The problem you create, if left unchecked, must impact other components or systems, and the end result will be significant enough to cause complete engine failure.
- List the sequence of events as they would unfold as the problem worsens and spreads to other parts of the engine.
Remember, this failure is not linear, so it may not always affect a straight line from one system to another. This failure may affect systems concurrently and in varying orders. This assignment aims to understand how the engine operates as a whole and how all the components and systems are connected.
You must conduct and analyze research to support your research problem: your hypothetical turbine engine failure in an engine component or system and the ensuing series of events. In other words, your research should support what you say would happen and why! You should analyze literature reviews or case studies related to the component or system you chose. Your research should:
- Support the plausibility and relevance of your research problem
- Provide data to support the sequence of events and your explanation
Your paper must include the following:
- Title page
- Main body pages (two to three)
- Reference page (following APA guidelines)
Your paper should be grammatically sound, free of spelling errors, and formatted according to current APA guidelines. You must have at least two scholarly references for this activity.
Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material! Additionally, refer to the Academic Resources page in this course for information about the Turnitin Draft Coach service, APA formatting, or other writing resources.
This is a 2-part research project. Part 2 will follow Part 1 submission.