Attached you will find the following: 1) Proposal Example: about 15-20 pages
What my proposal should include to the attached(1) —> 3 chapters with a preamble: Introduction (Backround, Relevance of the research-Stakeholders analysis, Problem backround-description, Problem statement, Research objectives, Main Research question, Subquestion(s),The structure of the report), Theoritical Framework (End your theoretical framework chapter with a synthesis and a conceptual model), Research design (Present your argumentation for the chosen research methodology, limitations, ethical code) 2)What will be in the proposal must be delivered on 18/02 Sunday and you can see detailed extra information in the attachment (2). The proposal is the first 3 chapters of the paper.
3) In the Theoritical framework my opinion is to put theoretical things in relation to eu ets but not to answer any of the questions i. e. about 6-7 pages. In my mind the subquestions are to be answered-answered by a combination of literature review (i. e. about 25-30) and interviews-mostly 2 at most 3 interviews (see p. 24 in appendix 5 how he does it -i. e. literature review + interviews). 4) The length of the whole paper should be about 80-90 pages (Introduction, Theoretical framework, Research design, Results, Conclusion and Recommendations, Discussion). That is, the pages of the proposal + three other chapters + interview transcripts + bibliography. I attach the rubrics by which the assignment will be graded attached (4). 5) I also put a word file that is the work of a last student and the final one has some differences in structure because this year they changed the structure of the work a little bit but in general it is almost the same format.
In the attachment (6) you will find information about this topic.
Delivery of 3 first heads on 19/02.