Understanding the Landscape of For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Government-Based Human Service Organizations

Several factors impact or shape how programs function in their setting and how they deliver services. A good leader or manager understands that part of his or her job and role includes understanding the landscape of the community served, including funding and policy changes. For this assignment, you will address key factors that impact decision-making and service delivery practices for your selected organization. Keep in mind that key factors may be external forces internal issues, or some combination of these elements.

In this assignment, you will be demonstrating your organizational policy-writing skills through addressing the following course competencies:

  • Analyze the trends and competitive forces in the Samaritan House that influence community-based organizations.
  • Analyze how the skills of the leaders in the Samaritan House affect human services organizations.

Write the assignment as an analysis paper for a director, senior manager, or board of directors, depending on the governing practices of your selected organization (the Samaritan House LLC).

In your analysis paper:

  • Describe the current political and social landscape for the Samaritan House organization.
  • Identify and discuss three to four important factors or forces that are impacting the Samaritan House organization.
  • Assess the leadership challenges that may exist in the Samaritan House due to the forces impacting the organization.
  • Recommend methods for addressing or improving the leader’s ability to respond to the forces impacting the organization.
  • Cite at least five empirical research articles or text sources that address leadership practices for managing challenges in a human services organization.

Assignment Requirements

  • Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Headings, resources, and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
  • References: Your paper must include at least 5 empirical research articles or text references.

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